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Showing posts from October, 2020

From fleece to yarn

Contents: Washing Picking, carding and dizzing Dyeing Spinning It is no secret most of my fibers and yarns in my shop have not only been dyed and spun by me, but also processed by me. It is a lot of work, but I just love it. I love to see the transformation from raw and dirty fleece to wonderful yarn. So I was thinking: maybe someone else would love to see that transformation! And here we are now, writing/reading this blog post. I will take you along on the journey of about 250g raw fleece, from start to end. Please note, this is the way I do this. There are many different methods for cleaning raw fibers out there and everybody has their own special recipe. This works for me and I think it is a good starting point, as you don't need any special equipment or soaps. Our 250g raw fleece at the beginning This particular fleece is from a Corriedale cross. The whole fleece is almost 13 lbs, the locks are around three inches long. And it is so greasy! Lots of lanolin in...

Hemstitching your weaving project

There are multiple ways to start and finish your weaving project and hemstitching is one of them. Again there are multiple methods for this and a ton of instructions online, but I still feel people get easily confused by this and thus don't even try hemstitching. It is really not that difficult though and in my opinion a great finish. So here are my (hopefully) simple instructions for hemstitching your weaving project. My personal guideline is: over (the warp threads) under (under the warp threads) through (through the loop) through  (through the fabric)   Let's go through this step by step: When you first start weaving, leave yourself a nice long tail , about four times the width of your project. Forgot to do this? Don't panic! I find you can usually pull out the first few rows of weft by gently pulling down one row of weft and gently tugging at the edge until the weft row comes free. Thread the tail on a tapestry needle and then go over  a couple of warp threads. Mak...